Strategic Management Plans

Council must develop, adopt and review plans for the management of its area, collectively called Strategic Management Plans within two years of a general local government election.

The Local Government Act 1999 (The Act), section 122, requires Councils to prepare a suite of Strategic Management Plans (“SMPs”) that set out the long-term vision, planning and financial sustainability of a Council’s operations.

The City of Port Lincoln’s Strategic Management Plans are:

  • the Strategic Directions Plan, which provides the community vision and Council objectives that drive Council’s decision-making and activities;
  • the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP); and
  • the closely aligned Strategic Asset Management Plan (formerly known as the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan (IAMP)).

The Long Term Financial Plan and the Strategic Asset Management Plan are essential to both enabling and ensuring the delivery capability and financial sustainability of the community’s needs, expectations and plans over the future 10 year period.

The Strategic Directions Plan 2021-2030 shares the vision and aspirations for the future of City of Port Lincoln and outlines how we will, over the next ten years, work towards achieving the best possible outcomes for the City, community and stakeholders.  The Plan will guide Council's priority setting and decision making and will assist in prioritising key community projects, ensure the well-aligned provision of essential community services and infrastructure, and support the significant partnerships necessary to continue to allow the City of Port Lincoln to thrive and develop.

Through strong leadership and good governance Council will maintain a focus on achieving the community's new vision for the City to be:

"An inclusive and connected community committed to excellence in lifestyle, culture, industry and innovation".

The Plan has five defined key Goal areas and forty one strategic actions that will support the delivery of the goals and their Key Focus Areas.  Council is committed to the community and the future of our city and will work in partnership with the community and government agencies to help realise our aspirations and deliver major new infrastructure projects for the city.

Strategic Directions Plan 2021-2030 [PDF 19.9MB] – adopted by Council on 14 December 2020

Strategic Directions Plan Summary 2021-2030 [PDF 209KB]

Previous Strategic Directions Plans

The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) enables Council to model, forecast and make decisions on possible future funding for operational needs, renewal and replacement of existing assets and new and upgraded assets to meet future service demands.

The purpose of the LTFP is to express, in financial terms, the activities that Council proposes to undertake over the medium to longer term to achieve its stated objectives and it is a guide for future action. The aggregation of future intended outlays and anticipated revenues enables the accumulating overall financial implications to be readily identified and, if warranted, proposed future activities to be revised.

Council is required to undertake a review of its LTFP as soon as practicable after adopting Council’s Annual Business Plan (ABP) each financial year (122(4)(a)).

Long Term Financial Plan 2024-2033 [PDF 2.0MB] – adopted by Council on 26 June 2023

Previous Long Term Financial Plans

The City of Port Lincoln has a significant portfolio of community assets under its care and control. Council is the custodian of buildings, recreation and other community assets in partnership with government, community, private groups and other external parties. Through its assets, Council aims to provide quality public infrastructure and amenities that are safe, functional and meet the needs of the local community, visitors, tourists, industry and commerce and Council employees.

The purpose of the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) (formerly known as the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan (IAMP)) is to demonstrate responsive management of assets (and services provided implicitly from assets) in compliance with regulatory requirements, and to communicate funding required to provide and maintain the required levels of service.

The Strategic Asset Management Plan reflects current asset data held for financial purposes in Council’s Asset Register, including remaining useful life, condition rating and replacement value for all assets, except for road re-seal expenditure, and identifies ‘projected’ expenditure required on maintenance and renewal of existing assets based on the Asset Register and RSM data, together with a number of new and upgrade capital infrastructure projects that Council has previously identified to deliver the Strategic Directions Plan.

The SAMP incorporates the asset classes:

  • Buildings (includes Leisure Centre)
  • Other Community Assets
  • Recycled Water Scheme
  • Roads
  • Bridges
  • Kerbing
  • Footpaths
  • Stormwater
  • Plant & Equipment
  • Furniture & Fittings

Strategic Asset Management Plan 2024-2033 [PDF 3.7MB] – adopted by Council on 26 June 2023

Previous Strategic Asset Management Plans

Related information

Annual Business Plan and Budget

Annual Report

Other Plans & Strategies

Need more information

If you have any questions regarding Council's Strategic Management Plans, please contact:

City of Port Lincoln
Corporate & Community Team
9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
Phone: 8621 2300